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MetaGuide: NGC 6188 Ha/Oiii with ASI 1600-MM Cool; EdgeHD11 f/10, 0.28" per pixel

No processing other than levels and crop. Acquired and focused with SGP. Guided with OAG and MetaGuide.

Automatic focus by SGP at start and at approx 30 minute. Focus with Robofocus on the primary focuser.

Click for full size

NGC 6188 bicolor Ha/Oiii at 0.28" per pixel

Imaging OpticsCelestron EdgeHD 11 at f/10
MountCelestron CGE-Pro
Guiding SoftwareMetaGuide with dithering from SGP
Guiding ModeOff-axis guiding with Hutech OAG5
Imaging CameraASI-1600mm-cool at -10C gain 100 offset 40
Guiding CameraQHY5liii-174
FocusSGP and RoboFocus on the primary focuser - no mirror locks used - nothing manual
Exposure Time38x5m Ha, 40x5m Oiii
Image Scale0.28" per pixel
Raw FWHMDown to 1.2" in subs
Image ProcessingCalibration, stack and color blend in custom software, then levels on photoshop. No other processing.
Colorization methodHa 100% red and 30% faux HB in green and blue, then 2x boost of Oiii signal in G and B channels. Deterministic.
Image AcquisitionSGP
Other SoftwarePECTool, TheSkyX Pro for best guidestar selection with field of view indicator (FOVI)
Other HardwarePyxis OAG Rotator for best guidestar, Telegizmos 365 cover, Long usb cable to outside setup
DateJune 14-16, 2017
FilterAstrodon 3nm H-alpha and Oiii

Single raw 5m Ha exposure showing 1.14" fwhm in Maxim