Imaging Optics | Celestron EdgeHD 11 with reducer at f/7 |
Mount | Celestron CGE-Pro |
Guiding Software | MetaGuide with dithering from SGP |
Guiding Mode | Off-axis guiding with Hutech OAG5 |
Imaging Camera | Atik 383L+ |
Guiding Camera | QHY5l-ii |
Collimation | MetaGuide |
Focus | SGP and RoboFocus on the primary focuser - no mirror locks used |
Exposure Time | 10x5m |
Image Scale | 0.57" per pixel |
Raw FWHM | Down to 1.5" in subs |
Image Processing | Calibration and stack in custom software, only levels in Photoshop CS6 - no other processing |
Image Processing - Other | Intentionally left uncropped to show full field of 8300 sensor |
Image Acquisition | SGP |
Other Software | PECTool, TheSkyX Pro for best guidestar selection with field of view indicator (FOVI) |
Other Hardware | Pyxis OAG Rotator for best guidestar, Telegizmos 365 cover, Long usb cable to outside setup |
Date | Aug. 15, 2015 |
Filter | Astrodon 3nm H-alpha |