Comet Holmes 2007

Animation of comet over nearly 3 hours on the night of October 27 (starting at 2:00 UT Oct. 28). Over the three hours you can just see increasing separation of the material from the nucleus. Note that on the scale of the earth, the changing gap amounts to 1000-3000 miles over 3 hours. The images were captured and stacked in Registax, and details brought out with Wavelet processing.

Note that the solid appearance at the center is not the nucleus itself, since it is only approximately 1 km large.

Approximately October 26, 2:00 UT. Composite of 8s and 40s images to show both the bright central region and the extended shell. SXVF-H9c and C11 at f/10.5. Guided with MetaGuide using mag 9 star, OAG, and Lumenera camera. Processed in ImagesPlus and composited in Picture Window Pro.

Same time as above, direct combination of 8s exposures to show detail in the center, with just a hint of the outer green coma. This is not a composite. Processed in ImagesPlus.

Same time as above, Lumenera image of central region with and without wavelet processing. Jet structure is clearly visible and remarkably similar to the structure at the top of the page, two days later.

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