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MetaGuide: NGC1275 active galaxy in the Perseus cluster

Imaging OpticsCelestron C11 at f/5.7
MountCelestron CGE-Pro
Guiding SoftwareMetaGuide
Guiding ModeOff-axis guiding with Taurus mini tracker
Imaging CameraStarlight Xpress SXVF-H9
Guiding CameraLumenera SKYnyx 2-0M @ 8 fps
Exposure Time22x10m L, 6x10m RGB, 6x20m Sii - all at 1x1 binning
Image Scale0.84" per pixel
Raw FWHM2+ arc-seconds
Image ProcessingImages Plus, flats, bias, darks
Processing DetailsSii filter used for Ha due to red shift (following A. Paquette). Calibration and DDP in IP, Maxim gradient removal, and PS LRGB combine plus overlay of Sii
Image AcquisitionMaxim DL
Other SoftwareNexRemote, PECTool
LocationHudson Valley, NY
DateNovember 12-13, 2010
CommentsProcessing intended to bring out the Ha structure central to NGC1275, along with some of the filaments associated with the galaxy, visible on its lower left and upper right.
FilterLRGB and Sii for red-shifted Ha