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MetaGuide: M1 Crab Nebula in narrow band with Hubble Palette

Imaging OpticsCelestron C11 at f/6.0
MountCelestron CGE-Pro
Guiding SoftwareMetaGuide
Guiding ModeOff-axis guiding with Hutech OAG
Imaging CameraStarlight Xpress SXVF-H9
Guiding CameraLumenera SKYnyx 2-0M @ 8 fps
Exposure Time4x15m Ha, 4x15m Oiii, 5x15m Sii
Image Scale0.80" per pixel
Raw FWHM2+ arc-seconds
Image ProcessingImages Plus, flats, bias, darks
Processing DetailsAverage combine, DDP, slight wavelets, slight star reduction and smoothing in IP; Color combine and color levels in PS
Image AcquisitionMaxim DL
Other SoftwareNexRemote, PECTool
LocationHudson Valley, NY
DateJanuary 13, 30 2011
CommentsThe progenitor star is visible here. It is the fainter star of the central pair.
FilterBaader 8nm Ha, Oiii, Sii

Single 15m raw Sii frame with linear stretch and no processing or calibration. FWHM 2.2 +/- 0.2"

Single 15m raw Ha frame with linear stretch and no processing or calibration. FWHM 2.2 +/- 0.2"