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MetaGuide: Fast moving Comet Jacques C/2014 E2 with Shift-Guiding and OAG

Imaging OpticsCelestron C11 at f/7.0
MountCelestron CGE-Pro
Guiding SoftwareMetaGuide
Guiding ModeOff-axis guiding with Hutech OAG
Imaging CameraAtik 383L+
Guiding CameraQHY5l-ii
Exposure Time10x5m Clear filter
Image Scale0.57" per pixel
Image ProcessingCustom code for calibration stacking and alignment, then PhotoShop for levels
Processing DetailsMinimal processing - only levels used
Image AcquisitionMaxim DL
Other SoftwareNexRemote, PECTool
LocationHudson Valley, NY
DateSep. 23, 2014
CommentsThe comet doesn't show much detail, but shift-guiding allows the coma to show up as a very small spot in arc-seconds, with fwhm approximately 7". Without shift guiding the comet would be smeared out in 5 minute exposures.

Single 5m exposure showing trailed stars but sharp comet due to shift-guiding

Average stack of 10x5m exposures showing background stars

3D surface plot of log(intensity) showing a side view of the head of the comet. The tip of the comet is to the right and the tail extends to the left, causing the slight asymmetry of the profile

Contour plot of the coma with scale in arc-seconds, showing that it is nearly circular with fwhm approximately 7". The true fwhm will be slightly less than this due to seeing and diffraction.